Time to move? Here you’ll find important information about moving out from PSOAS.
Cancel your tenancy agreement
The lease can be cancelled either online at OmaPSOAS or with a cancellation form. The cancellation form can be found here. Cancelling a lease via phone or verbally is not possible.
If there are more than one signatories to the lease, all of them must personally terminate the agreement. The termination is not valid before all parties have confirmed it. The tenancy agreement is always terminated to end on the last day of the month.
Cancellation time in PSOAS apartments is one whole calendar month. For example if the tenant is going to move out at the end of May, the cancellation has to be submitted to PSOAS by the end of April.
Submit a notification of move
Remember to submit a notification of move. The notification can be made either at www.vaestorekisterikeskus.fi or www.posti.fi or by calling 0203 456 456.
Cancel all other agreements
If you’re using the Internet included in the rent please remember to inform DNA about your moving out. Customer service +35844144044.
If you have made your own electricity agreement to the apartment you can cancel it by contacting the electricity company.
Clean the apartment
Before moving out you must clean the apartment properly. Please remember that when moving out from a shared apartment also the shared parts of the apartment must be cleaned and all tenants living there are jointly responsible for cleaning the shared rooms (kitchen, hall and bathroom). If the apartment is not properly cleaned, the cleaning costs will be deducted from the deposit. The minimum charge is 50€ / apartment.
Please check the cleaning instructions here!
Prepare for the apartment check
When a tenant moves out the apartment is checked. The apartment check has two parts: condition check and cleaning check. The condition checks begin in mid-month so that there is still enough time before the new lease to fix any flaws or damages found. The cleaning checks are made as close to moving out as possible. If a tenant moves out before the end of the month the cleaning check will be made right after the tenant has left. If the apartment being checked is a shared one, also the common spaces are checked. For the common space both the out-moving and staying tenants have a shared responsibility.
In the apartment check the janitor inspects the apartment for anything that needs maintenance or repairing and gives guidelines for cleaning. Based on the inspection, the janitor may order such maintenance or repair work that is due to normal wear and tear. For these the tenants will not be charged. The janitor may also order repair work for problems which were caused by the tenants and which tenants cannot repair themselves.
If you wish to be present during the apartment check please contact the janitor directly, Välkkylä area tel. 0106367000/ Lassila & Tikanoja or other areas tel. 010 5833 000/ Alltime. To make sure that a suitable time for the check is available, please contact the janitor a few working days in advance. If you have not agreed on a certain time for the check the janitor will use a maintenance key to enter the apartment. In shared apartments it is recommended to present in the check.
Clear the storage
Remember to clear your storage. Stuff that has been left to the storage will be removed and PSOAS is not responsible for them. If the storage is not cleared, the costs for emptying are charged from the tenant.
Return the keys
When the tenancy agreement ends you must return your keys to PSOAS housing office by 2 pm the last day of the month. If the last day of the month is weekend or holiday the keys must be returned by the following working day 12 pm. The right place for returning the keys depends on whether the housing location belongs to the southern area (returning point PSOAS Studio, Mannenkatu 6 A) or northern area (PSOAS Lounge, Paavo Havaksen tie 5). If the last day of the month is weekend or holiday the keys have to be returned by the following working day 12 pm. If the keys are not returned in time PSOAS will charge daily rent until the keys are returned.
If you need to return your keys outside the office hours just put the keys into an envelope, write your name and address on it and drop the envelope into the key mailbox next to the PSOAS office front door. Remember to check if the keys belong to the southern area or northern area before you return them. If you leave your keys inside the apartment, PSOAS will deduct 50 € from your deposit for the collection of the keys.
If you give the keys directly to the new tenant, it is your responsibility to agree on the apartment check with the janitor. The apartment has to be cleaned and checked before you hand over the keys. You will also need to sign this form with the new tenant to document the keys given and the condition of the apartment. Please deliver the signed form to the housing office.
PSOAS offers rental apartments for students in Oulu
Learn more about the apartments and areas and fill in the application. PSOAS has shared apartments, studios and bigger apartments.
Read more about the student life at PSOAS and get to know the facts about living, applying and moving in.